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Success Story Of Steve Jobs

Success Story Of Steve Jobs

Success Story Of Steve Jobs

Success Story Steve Job is a legendary entrepreneur and innovator, founder of Apple Inc., who pioneered and played a key role in the development of personal computers, mobile devices and the music industry.


Early Years and Education:

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California, to Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali, who were unmarried at the time. He was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, who raised him in Mountain View, California.

Jobs attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, but dropped out after six months. He then spent several months wandering around India in search of spiritual enlightenment before returning to the United States.

Apple Inc.:

In 1976, Jobs co-founded Apple Computer Inc. with his friend Steve Wozniak in a garage in Cupertino, California. Their first product was the Apple I computer, which they sold for $666.66. The following year, they introduced the Apple II, which became a huge success and helped to establish Apple as a major player in the personal computer industry.

In 1984, Apple released the Macintosh, which was the first commercially successful personal computer to feature a graphical user interface. Jobs was instrumental in the development of the Macintosh, and his famous unveiling of the product at Apple’s annual shareholder meeting is still regarded as a seminal moment in the history of computing.

In 1985, Jobs was forced out of Apple after a power struggle with the board of directors. He then founded NeXT Computer, which produced high-end workstations for the education and business markets.

Return to Apple:

In 1997, Apple acquired NeXT, and Jobs returned to the company as its CEO. He immediately set about transforming Apple into a major player in the consumer electronics industry, focusing on developing innovative products such as the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad.

Under Jobs’ leadership, Apple became the most valuable company in the world, with a market capitalization of over $600 billion. He was widely regarded as a visionary leader and a master marketer, known for his charismatic presentations and his ability to create products that people didn’t know they needed until they saw them.


Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011, at the age of 56, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. However, his legacy lives on, both at Apple and in the wider world of technology and business. He is remembered as a brilliant innovator, a creative genius, and a true visionary who changed the way we live, work, and communicate.

Early life :

In his youth, Jobs’ parents took him to a Lutheran church.  When he was in high school, Clara admitted to his girlfriend, Chrisann Brennan, that she “was too frightened to love [Steve] for the first six months of his life … I was scared they were going to take him away from me. Even after we won the case, Steve was so difficult a child that by the time he was two I felt we had made a mistake. I wanted to return him.

” When Chrisann shared this comment with Steve, he stated that he was already aware, and later said he had been deeply loved and indulged by Paul and Clara. Many years later, Jobs’s wife Laurene also noted that “he felt he had been really blessed by having the two of them as parents.”Jobs would “bristle” when Paul and Clara were referred to as his “adoptive parents”, and he regarded them as his parents “1,000%”. Jobs referred to his biological parents as “my sperm and egg bank. That’s not harsh, it’s just the way it was, a sperm bank thing, nothing more”, etc.,

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